I saw this recently over on Pinterest . It’s one of those “Why on earth didn’t I think of that” ideas. Brilliant, useful, fun, inexpensive or cheap. I mean – really Brilliant!

Now tell the truth, once you saw it, didn’t you smack yourself upside the head (mentally anyway) and say, Well YEAH, I could do that! Personally I’d use a lot more hangers, spaced closer together, so there really would be a library of magazines – and colors – and the wall would truly be a collage. But these are just details.
The idea’s originally from Unconsumption.tumbler where there are so many good and fun and useful and original ideas on how to use less, reuse what you’ve got, and, well, UNconsume – that you will find endless inspiration there. It’s a fabulous resource.
Of which this DIY wall art / storage is just one super idea. Super-quick to achieve. Low or zero cost – what, you haven’t got some old wire hangers around? Of course you do. Colorful as you want – and changeable, as often as you want.