And yes, if you’ve been here before, you’ll have noticed that I have a different version of the Meiyo, or Honor, dogtag pendant. But this new one has a few advantages. Well, okay, one major advantage. It takes less time to make, so it costs less.
I thought that would sound pretty good 🙂

I’m doing a whole new line in this style. The pendant has a military style, stainless steel dogtag base, and I’ve added the custom designed, lacquered paper graphic with the Japanese katakana. The whole thing is protected with multiple layers of gloss – but even with those layers, and the time that’s needed to dry them all one by one, this style takes half the time (and half the work) of the “pure” paper pendants. Less time to make each piece means less cost per piece.
I figure this is a good trend. and honestly, take a look at my new dogtag pendants page. The new style pendants, with stainless steel bases, are of course super durable, and I think they look great.
And they cost a lot less. I mentioned that, right?