Okay, this is not precisely a “model” pic. I’m doing a new series of pics showing the earrings on a life-size mannequin head. Yes, the mannequin is slender and delicate – but it’s a step in the right direction! it’s hard to find a mannequin looks really real – maybe funky, with bad hair days and all – but I figure, showing earrings on a mannequin does at least show what the earrings look like when they’re being worn!
So, what do you think?

I’ll be doing more of these pics – stay tuned!
Oh – did I forget to mention? The kanji Woman earrings are available in custom colors (and sizes) – but you knew that already 🙂 And hey, talk about a perfect first year, paper anniversary gift! Her fave colors – and the kanji says Woman – and they’re paper. Strengthened, lacquered, durable paper… but still paper. This is a win 🙂