I honestly thought I had already written about this one, it’s so wonderful and memorable and EASY. You can tailor it exactly for wherever you need Wall Art in your home.
I found it on Pinterest – such a terrific DIY resource 😉

All you need is something to use for a backing – foam core, posterboard, you name it – and some petal-shaped paper cutouts. Recycled paper would be best, of course. Play with the arrangement, try out ideas, and create a wonderful montage that’s just the size, shape, and color range that you need in your room.
It’s Do It Yourself, it’s pretty, it’s cheap-or-free, and you can DO it. This is a win!
P.S. I’ve talked about DIY weddings before – I just think it’s a great idea to (1) save money that the two of you could use for a zillion other things, and (2) invest more of yourself and your loved ones into your wedding. This wall art is a perfect example. Use your wedding colors (or white paper and white lace, mmm!) Maybe shape the petals into a heart. Maybe write on each petal, with significant memories / dates / you name it. Then save the wall art for generations. Love!