This isn’t a new idea but I just found a great example of the classic “reuse cardboard containers” Do It Yourself idea:

Recycled cardboard container (this was oatmeal) into good-looking storage
Like I said, it’s a classic idea. Cover the cardboard with contact paper, fabric, recycled magazine pages (yeah, more recycled stuff!) to match your decor. Make a grouping of three or four of them, maybe – really your imagination’s the limit, and more storage is always good 🙂
Once again I’ve found great tips – this time it’s 50 Healthy Foods for Under $1 a Pound at The Daily Green – over on Yahoo. (Scroll down the page to find 12 Things To Do With Oatmeal.
There are tons of great tips, and cost-saving ideas over there – all green oriented. Really, check it out!